Wow! Your auditions were very impressive and made our job very difficult as Directors. You brought so much to the table and we are beyond excited to start this process with you in February. We know that with every cast list there is some initial disappointment. If you can look past being a named part you will see that the stage time and opportunities will be more balanced. I have been in theater my whole life, went to college to get a theatre/teaching degree, had two theatre teachers as parents, and have been directing shows since 2004. I only tell you this because I have a lot of experience, I can see the bigger picture, and I have made it my specialty getting performers to thrive with more stage time. We have BIG ideas to take this show over the top. If you know me I don’t hold back, so I’m swinging for the fences! I want the audiences to be knocked out of their seats with the visual beauty of it all, but more importantly by the energy and sound blasting off that stage. We can’t do this without all 43 of you! You will bring the necessary charisma, talent, dedication, character, and magic to bring this theatrical masterpiece to life! This will be a great learning experience. Time to change our story…TOGETHER!
All actors will be in most of the dance numbers, part of the acrobat/escapologist montages, the dance competition, the opening number, etc.
We will have our first cast meeting 2/3/25 from 6:30-9:00pm
Matilda Wormwood - Kendall Johnson
Agatha Trunchbull - Sabrina Opila
Jennifer Honey - Katie Fox
Mr. Wormwood - Jamison Pike
Mrs. Wormwood - Marissa Dominguez
Michael Wormwood - Lex Knuth
Mrs. Phelps - Amy Moore
Bruce - Adele Dominguez
Lavender - Mylo Fox
Nigel - Judah Seal
Amanda - Maggie Dominguez
Tommy - Marlie Piazzola
Eric - Shyla Moore
Alice - Saleah Rich
Hortensia - Raylynn Best
Kylie Murray - Doctor (solo), Competitive Dancer, Trunchbull’s Assistant
Annaliese Bachman - Nurse, Big Kid
Lizzy Hanson - Party Entertainer (solo), Acrobat’s Sister, Big Kid
Damian Sanchez - Escapologist (solo), Rudolpho (solo), Couple 4 (solo)
Sage Hughes - The Acrobat, Big Kid
Bob Latchaw - Judge, Sergei (Mob), Mechanic, Couple 1 (solo)
Alyssa Lavalle - Cook, Couple 1 (solo), Dance Contestant
Elijah Lynn - Henchman, Big Kid - Child 7 (line)
Grayson Hartman - Henchman, Couple 2 (solo), Big Kid
Lila Stands - Couple 2 (solo), Grown Up Matilda (solos), Child 7 (line)
Royal Simmons - Big Kid Ben (solo), Couple 3 (solo)
Samantha Richman - Couple 4 (solo), Big Kid, Child 2 (line)
Kaden Johnson - Big Kid Ryan, Dance Contestant, Child 8 (line)
Iris Harrington - Big Kid Tamika, Dance Contestant
Grace Wallace - Big Kid Taylor, Dance Contestant
Pix Gomez - Big Kid (solo line), Dance Contestant
Arabella Knuth - Child 1 (line), Big Kid
Brooklyn Lambert - Child 1 (line), Big Kid
Juniper Holubar - Child 2 (line), Big Kid
Kaya Fierro - Child 3 (line), Big Kid
Jordyn Yakel - Child 3 (line), Big Kid
Evie Latchaw - Child 4 (line), Big Kid
Ashlyn Mills-Houstein - Child 4 (line), Big Kid
Kaya Jones - Child 5 (line), Big Kid
Ava Coyle - Child 5 (line), Big Kid
Harper Hejde - Child 6 (line), Big Kid
Izzy Cobbler - Child 6 (line), Big Kid
Samuel Otzenberger - Child 8 (line), Big Kid